Her translations (from Spanish, French, Italian and German) include:
Benedict XVI - A Life. Volume
I: Youth in Nazi Germany to the Second Vatican Council by Peter Seewald
(Bloomsbury, London 2020);
The Following of Jesus: A Reply to the Imitation of Christ by Leonardo Boff
(Orbis, New York 2019);
I have Learned from the Least by Luis Antonio Tagle (Orbis, New York
The Church Cannot Remain Silent by Oscar Romero (part trans. Orbis, New
York 2016);
Morning Homilies III by Pope Francis (Orbis, New York 2016);
Morning Homilies II by Pope Francis (Orbis, New York 2016);
Morning Homilies I by Pope Francis (Orbis, New York 2015);
Francis of Rome and Francis of Assisi by Leonardo Boff (Orbis, New York
The God of Jesus Christ by Walter Kasper, trans. new Introduction (T.
and T. Clark, London 2012);
Jesus the Christ by Walter Kasper, trans. new Introduction (T.and T.
Clark, London 2011);
Love, Imperfectly Known by Brother Emmanuel of Taizé (Continuum, London
The Eye of the Needle by John Sobrino (Darton,
Longman and Todd, London 2008);
By being It Is, The Thesis of Parmenides, by Nestor Luis Cordero
(Parmenides Publishing, Las Vegas, distributed
by University of Chicago Press, 2004).
Zapatista Stories, by Subcomandante
Marcos (Katabasis, 2001).
We Will Not Dance on our Grandparents' Tombs: Indigenous Uprisings
in Ecuador, by Kintto Lucas (CIIR, London
Angels of Grace, by Anselm Grün
(Search Press, London 1999);
Carlos, Now the Dawn's No Fond Illusion, by
Tomás Borge (Katabasis, 1996);
Santo Domingo and After, by Gustavo Gutiérrez, Jon Sobrino and others
(part: CIIR, 1993);
Our Cry for Life: A Feminist View of Liberation Theology, by María Pilar
Aquino (Orbis Books, New York 1993);
Systematic Theology, Perspectives from Liberation Theology ed. I. Ellacuría
& Jon Sobrino (part: Orbis Books, New York 1993);
Mysterium Liberationis: A Dictionary of Liberation Theology ed. I. Ellacuría
& Jon Sobrino (part: Orbis Books, New York 1993);
Led by Hope by Luis Alonso Schökel (St Paul's Publications, Slough 1991);
Moses, by Luis Alonso Schökel (St Pauls Publications, Slough 1990);
Companions of Jesus. The Murder and Martyrdom of the Salvadorean Jesuits,
by Jon Sobrino (CIIR, 1990);
Martyrdom in El Salvador (Church in the World pamphlet 27, 1989);
The Future of Liberation Theology. Essays in Honour of Gustavo Gutiérrez
(part: Orbis Books, New York 1989);
Death and Life in Morazán by María López Vigil (CIIR, London 1989);
Eight Day Retreat with St Ignatius of Loyola by Norbert Alcover (St Paul's
Publications, Slough 1989);
The Crucified Peoples, by Jon Sobrino (CIIR, 1989);
In the Thick of his Ministry by Carlo-Maria Martini (St Paul's Publications,
Slough 1989);
We are like Dreamers by Walter Beyerlin (T. & T. Clark, Edinburgh 1982);
The Living God by René Voillaume (Darton, Longmand and Todd, London
Jesus of Gramoven, by A. Pérez Esclarín (novel: Orbis Books, New York
The Liturgy Today and Tomorrow by Joseph Gelineau (Darton, Longman and
Todd, London 1978);
This Day is Ours, by J. Leclercq (SPCK, London 1976);
Simplicity, by G. Lefebvre (Darton, Longman and Todd, London 1975);
Source of Life by René Voillaume (Darton, Longman and Todd, London 1975);
Love, by Ernesto Cardenal (Search Press, London 1974);
The Desert is Fertile, by Helder Camara (Orbis Books, New York 1974);
Courage to Pray by Anthony Bloom and Georges LeFebvre (Darton, Longman
and Tood, London 1973);
The Tupamaros, by Alain Labrousse (Penguin, London 1973);
The Poor Sinner's Gospel, by Wilhelm Weitling (Sheed and Ward, 1969);
The Truth is Concrete, by Dorothee Sölle (Burns and Oates, London 1969);
In the Kingdom of Mescal, by Georg Schäfer (Macdonald, London 1969);
Nature and Grace, by Karl Rahner (Sheed and Ward, London 1963).
Tongues of Fire by Alfredo Cordal (ed. and part trans.
Katabasis 2011);
Nicaraguan Peasant Mass (Misa campesina), by Carlos Mejía Godoy (10 songs,
3rd revised edition with a new introduction by DL: Nicaragua
Solidarity Campaign, London 2007);
Mother Tongues Anthology (part: translated new poems by Roberto Rivera-Reyes
and María Eugenia Bravo, Modern Poetry in Translation, London 2001);
Nosotras: Poems by Nicaraguan Women, (Nicaragua
Solidarity Campaign, London 1999);
Nicaraguan Peasant Mass (Misa campesina), by Carlos Mejía Godoy (10 songs,
revised edition with a new introduction by DL: Nicaragua
Solidarity Campaign, London 1996);
Life for Each, by Daisy Zamora (Katabasis,
Poets of the Nicaraguan Revolution (
Katabasis, 1993);
Prayer in the National Stadium, by María Eugenia
Bravo Calderara (Katabasis, 1992);
The Music of the Spheres, by Ernesto Cardenal
(Katabasis, 1990);
The Nicaraguan Epic, by Carlos & Luis Enrique
Mejía Godoy and Julio Valle-Castillo (Katabasis, 1989);
Dawn Hunters and other Poems, by Roberto Rivera-Reyes (part: LA Writers,
London 1989);
Anthology of Latin American Poets in London, (part: LA Writers, London
Nicaraguan New Time, by Ernesto Cardenal
(Journeyman, 1988);
Nicaraguan Mass, by Carlos Mejía Godoy (songs: Catholic Institute for
International Relations, London 1986);
Poems, by F. García Lorca and John of the Cross (Katabasis, 1969).
Cooking with Coffee, by Lucas Rosenblatt et. al. (New Internationalist,
Oxford 2002. I translated this book and 22 other illustrated cookbooks, plus
other works for the agency Translate-a-Book, Oxford);
How to make Ceramic Character Dolls, by Sylvia Becker (Search Press,
Tunbridge Wells, 1992);.
How to Spot your Child's Potential, by C. Drouin & Alain Dubois (Sheldon
Press, London 1989);
How to Get Pregnant and How Not to, by C. Dolto, A.. Schiffmann & P.
Bello (Sheldon Press, 1985).
I translate regular reports for Amnesty International and have translated educational slides for Christian Aid. For many years I translated regularly for the theological journal Concilium. I have translated articles and conference reports on a wide variety of topics, including the CAP and Third World Agriculture, health in Peru, a briefing for CIIR workers going to the Dominican Republic, human rights in East Timor and for the journal Social Policy (Blackwells).