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Katabasis has published pamphlets since 1967 and books since 1989, both poetry and prose. We publish English poetry and bilingual editions of Latin American poetry. The latter may have introductions, notes and pictures to set the poems in context. Besides publishing two of the best known Chilean poets now living in London, we are enthusiastic publishers of the poetry of Nicaragua, a country famous for its poets. From Mexico Katabasis publishes the best-selling Zapatista Stories by Subcomandante Marcos

As well as looking abroad, Katabasis is strongly attached to its home in London and to its native English language, landscape and radical tradition. We publish a distinctive list of English poetry and prose. We are local and internationalist, wanting down-to-Earth poetry, that is both rooted in a particular place and history, and speaks beyond them.

Katabasis' Common Words anthologies, Work and Home, contain a rich mixture of poems, essays and personal accounts, with clear speaking voices, from all sorts of people, workers in all kinds of jobs and workless, with all sorts of homes or homeless.

Katabasis publishes three prose works by Dinah Livingstone: The Poetry of Earth (2000) is an essay on poetry, language, theology, ecology and politics; Poetic Tales (2010) offers a way into poetry even for the prosaic or merely puzzled, and a way into theology for atheists and all; The Making of Humanity: Poetic Vision and Kindness (2017) explores poetry and theology as sister arts and moves towards a kindly humanism.

Katabasis is for humanity and does not accept that it can hope for nothing better than a neo-con World Order ordains. We believe, with Hopkins, that beauty keeps warm our wits to the things that are -- what good means and therefore does not mean. We agree with Wollstonecraft, that imagination, the 'true fire stolen from heaven', can render us social by expanding our hearts.

Contact Katabasis:
10 St Martins Close, London NW1 0HR
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7485 3830

All titles are available as paperback books. Some are also available as pdf files for the same price. See Order Form
We regret that Katabasis cannot consider unsolicited work at present.

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