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Anne Beresford: Collected Poems. 1967-2006. ISBN: 0904872 42 4. £14.95
Anne Beresford: Hearing Things. Poetry. ISBN: 0904872378. £6.95
Anne Beresford: No Place for Cowards. Poetry. ISBN: 0904872 29 7. £6.9.5.
Adele David: The Moon's Song. Poetry. ISBN: 0904872 35 1. £5.95.
Christopher Hampton: Border Crossings. ISBN 0904872 41 6. £7.95.
Christopher Hampton: Against the Current. Poetry. ISBN: 0904872 23 8. £5.95
Andrew Hawthorne: They Become their Shadows. Poetry. ISBN 0904872386. £6.95 .
Andrew Hawthorne: Strange Music of Bone. Poetry. ISBN: 0904872 30 0. £6.95.
Cicely Herbert and W.E. Henley: In Hospital. Poetry. ISBN 0 904872 19 X. £5.95.
Dinah Livingstone. Embodiment. Poetry. ISBN:
978 0904872 49 1. £10.
Dinah Livingstone: The Vision Splendid. Poetry.
ISBN 978-0-904872-47-7. £7.95.
Dinah Livingstone: Poems of Hampstead Heath and Regent's Park. ISBN 9780904872460. £7.95.
Dinah Livingstone: Kindness. Poetry. 9780904872439. £7.95
Dinah Livingstone: Presence. Poetry. 0904872 39 4. £7.95
Dinah Livingstone: May Day. Poetry. ISBN: 0904872 27 0. £6.95.
Dinah Livingstone: Second Sight. Poetry. ISBN: 0904872 20 3. £5.95.
Dinah Livingstone: Keeping Heart. Poems 1967-89. ISBN: 0904872 11 4. £6.50.
Dinah Livingstone: The Making of Humanity. Prose. ISBN: 978 0 904872 48 4. £10.
Dinah Livingstone: Poetic Tales. Prose. ISBN:978 0 904872 44 6. £9.95
Dinah Livingstone: The Poetry of Earth.. Prose. ISBN: 0904872 34 3. £8.95.
Kathleen McPhilemy: The Lion in the Forest. Poetry. ISBN: 0904872 40 8. £7.95
Kathleen McPhilemy: A Tented Peace. Poetry. ISBN: 0904872 24 6. £5.95.
Arnold Rattenbury: Living Here. Poetry. ISBN: 0904872 26 2. £6.95.
Dilys Wood: Women Come to a Death. Poetry. ISBN: 0904872 28 9. £6.95.

Camden Voices Anthology, ed. by Dinah Livingstone. Poetry. ISBN: 0904872 0904872 14 9. £5.95.
Common Words Anthologies:
Work:. Common Word 1, ed. by Dinah Livingstone. Poetry and Prose .ISBN: 0904872 31 9. £12.95.
Home: Common Word 2, ed. by Kathleen McPhilemy. Poetry and Prose. ISBN: 0904872 33 5. £12.95


María Eugenia Bravo Calderara: Prayer in the National Stadium, bilingual text trans. by Dinah Livingstone & Cicely Herbert. Poetry. ISBN: 0904872 15. 5. £5.95.
Alfredo Cordal: Tongues of Fire. Poetry/ ISBN 9780904872453. £9

Subcomandante Marcos: Zapatista Stories, trans. by Dinah Livingstone. Prose. ISBN: 0904872 36 X. £8.95.

Tomás Borge: Carlos, Now the Dawn's No Fond Illusion, bilingual text trans. by Dinah Livingstone. Prose. ISBN: 0904872 25 4. £6.95.
Ernesto Cardenal: The Music of the Spheres, bilingual text trans. by Dinah Livingstone. Poetry. ISBN: 0904872 13 0. £4.50.
Ernesto Cardenal: Nicaraguan New Time, trans. by Dinah Livingstone. Poetry. ISBN: 185172 027 8. £3.50.
C. and L. E. Mejía Godoy & Julio Valle-Castillo: The Nicaraguan Epic, bilingual text trans. by Dinah Livingstone. Songs and Poetry. ISBN: 0904872 12 2. £5.95.
Daisy Zamora: Life for Each, bilingual text trans. by Dinah Livingstone. Poetry. ISBN: 0904872 22X. £5.95

The Peasant Poets of Solentiname, bilingual text trans. by Peter Wright. Poetry. ISBN: 0904872 15 7. £5.95.
Poets of the Nicaraguan Revolution, bilingual texttrans. by Dinah Livingstone. Poetry. ISBN: 0904872 21 1. £8.95.

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