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Kathleen McPhilemy
The Lion in the Forest
Poetry. 2004. 85 pages.
ISBN 0 904872 40 8. £7.95

In The Lion in the Forest, her third collection, Kathleen McPhilemy continues her personal and political, often uncomfortable, exploration of the idea of ‘home’. Part I has a domestic focus and Part II pursues her links with Northern Ireland. Part III comprises two long sequences: A Suite for Palestine, based on the poetry of Paul Celan; and Tenebrae Responsories, which uses these texts from the Latin Easter liturgy to meditate on the Iraq war.
Kathleen McPhilemy was born in Belfast and now lives with her family in Oxford. She works in further education and is married with four children.

'The Lion in the Forest is a profoundly felt and thought-through book, which attempts to do justice to the complexities (political and personal) and avoids the simple answer, excuse or accusation... It is a moving example of the capacity of poetry to cast light on shadowy places.' -- sof

'There is evidence throughout that experience, imaginative power and technical expertise have fused once again to produce some original and memorable poetry.' -- New British Poetry