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Christopher Hampton Poetry

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Christopher Hampton New Poetry

Christopher Hampton
Against the Current

Poetry. 1995. 72 pages. ISBN 0 904872 23 8. £5.95.

Christopher Hampton insists that poets, above all, cannot:

ignore the silences
that shut so many people in.

The poems in this three-part book, whose axis is London and Middle England, but whose range is much wider, with a time span from classical Rome to this morning's news, breathe and embody the urgency of the poet's essential task today: to resist acquiescence and speak Against the Current.

'I like Christopher Hampton's poems about the state of the nation. They're direct and angry.' -- Ambit

'Hampton's condemnation is passionate and just. . . neither shrill nor strident. He speaks with the voice of reason.' -- Lines

'This uncompromising language makes for uncomfortable, if compelling reading. I feel both anger and despair reading these but the poet's skill and unflinching dedication to his task keep my attention.' -- New Hope International