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Adele David Poetry

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Adele David
The Moon's Song
Poetry. 2001. 45 pages. ISBN 904872 35 1. £5.95.
The Moon's Song's subject is female power. These poems have a breadth spanning the mythological and the everyday, as images of women from pagan, Greek and biblical sources, from well-known paintings and history, interact with women of today. They express both a strong, synaesthetic sensuality -- speaking of plants, children, men and food -- and a sharp realism about painful relationships or getting old. Power comes from the body but so does weakness. They convey a tremendous sense of being alive with an earthy quality and delightful humour.

Adele David lives in London and works as a Jungian training analyst and supervisor. Her needlepoint pictures appear on the front and back cover of this, her second collection.

'The whole has a strong sense both of the visual and the numinous. There's a sensuality in David's responsiveness to fruit and fruitfulness, which is part of a larger celebration of vitality.' - Acumen

'Her strength lies in her ability to home in on the details that bring a place, person or emotion to life.' -- PQR

'David can punch through her veil and articulate the telling moment with clarity.' Poetry Nottingham