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Livingstone Dinah Livingstone's new collection
explores the meanings of 'kindness', the different kinds of life on Earth
and what they have in common; among them, the kind of creature humans
are, who can be both kind and unkind. The book opens with the sequence
Flowersong and closes with poems inspired by the seasonal liturgy
of Advent, Christmas, Easter and Whit, finishing with the title poem Kindness.
The cover image shows a leaping hare, the goddess Eastre's sacred animal
who became a symbol of the risen Christ. '[Her] poetry is confident and fresh, confiding and celebratory, questioning and consoling. Her great experience as a writer is one element, no doubt, in the apparent complete spontaneity of many of these poems... This latest book of many includes some of Livingstone's most exciting and successful work.' -- Artemis |
Click on book for a poem from
it |
Click on back cover cat image for title poem 'Kindness' |